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Researches in the History of Music in Slovenia


The programme P6-0004 is a continuation of the sole musicological long-term and continuous research scheme in Slovenian musicology covering the necessary basic research topics for all historical periods linked to the national musical heritage as well as investigating areas more broadly associated with European music. The members of the P6-0004 programme group work continuously on long-term tasks such as editorial work on the critical musical edition (Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae), the journal De musica disserenda and the series Slovenian Music Heritage, especially a new sub-series of e-books on The Sources for the History of Music in Slovenian Lands. Two new digital platforms are to be implemented and developed: Relational Database of Musicians (built on the web-based search environment tool Nodegoat) and Digital Platform for publishing music (digital music editions following MEI and TEI). The attention of the programme group in the proposed funding period is oriented towards a specific three-fold task. First, previously neglected topics or gaps in knowledge that require basic research and demand urgent scholarly attention are a priority. Second, new work is required for selected areas because the emergence of new sources and new information calls for an update and revision. Third, these activities will be implemented by using new technologies within the field of the Digital Humanities. The selected tasks of individual researchers are broadly organised into six work-packages (WPs). WP1 - Music and locus: revealing collections and places: the collections to be the main focus are held by the Archdiocesan Archives in Maribor, the abbey church in Celje, and the parish church at Ptuj. Research into past musical life in the largely multicultural and multilinguistic border zones of Trieste/Trst and Gorizia/Gorica – until now neglected by Slovenian musicology – is to be initiated. WP2 - New knowledge and filling in lacunae in the history of church music: Slovenian church music in the 19th century and the role of women in church music, the uses and reuses of plainchant after the Middle Ages, and ecclesiastical confraternities are to be the main. WP3 - The role of music in the monastic orders: research will centre around the musical life of women in monastic orders, especially the Dominicans, and the Carthusian female branch. WP4 - Migrations of musicians, musical repertoires and musical thought: revisited will be aspects of the life and works of J. Handl-Gallus and D. Lagkhner, re-examined selected theoretical manuscripts of G. Tartini and research on a little-known composer, J. R. Suppan. WP5 - The Slovenian lands and the phenomena of opera: with special attention to the 19th century and an overview of this phenomenon in Slovenia. WP6 - Instrumental genres of the 19th century: to be studied are primary materials of the Philharmonic Society of Ljubljana, the development of genres and the role of immigrant musicians, especially violinists.

As a scholarly undertaking, the proposed research initiatives within the P6-0004 programme form part of the wider international scholarly exploration of (central) European music history. Yet they possess at the same time a cultural dimension, since they deal with music as an essential part of Slovenian cultural history. All the proposed research topics relate in some way to the Slovenian territory and its cultural history – their presentation will illuminate not only the music but also its cultural environments. It must be stressed that the series Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae constitutes an integral part of modern Slovenian (and, potentially, world) culture on account of its impact within the wider community. Many musicians (choirs, ensembles, soloists) perform music edited in the series that would otherwise be unavailable: these editions not only achieve the protection and active preservation of the Slovenian and European cultural heritage, but also contribute tangibly to living, modern culture.

In this spirit, the proposed programme will likewise seek to impact broader cultural development with the promotion of musicological work and its products before a wider audience. The programme will thus offer applications accessible to a wide range of consumers: (1) various popularising divulgatory texts; (2) materials and programmes for public concert performances of selected repertoire will be prepared for the cycle of concerts Harmonia concertans: Early Music at the New Square, trying out different strategies of popularisation (for example, by combining with events such as pre-concert talks); (3) the organisation of experimental music workshops aimed at popularising the performance of selected musical genres.

Programme Stages

As a continuation of the previous this programme will not need preparatory meetings. The work, coordinated by the programme leader, is divided(within the WPs) between various specialists pursuing different research questions and implementing different methods (see methodology above). Since the state of research and the approach is different for each topic, the team will continue the previous work or else start working on new topics. However, the work will be pursued concurrently in all WPs.

The importance of WP1 and some areas of WP3 might be prioritised in the first years but most of their work will be finished by 2025. Other WPs contain topics intended for shorter case-studies as well as research over a longer period of time. For some larger newly started topics, a continuation in the next programme research period is foreseen.

General activities and results (in the blue fields below) will be provided each year. Some more specialised publications are marked in orange. The publication of journal articles, monograph chapters and conference papers by the team members will occur every year, possibly in larger quantities during the second half of the programme period. Major new monographs are planned mainly for the years 2025–2027. Platforms for the Digital Humanities will be upgraded and made accessible from 2023. With regard to the wider dissemination of research results, the organisation of the concerts (HC), publications for a non-scholarly readership, workshops, public lectures etc. will cover the whole running period of the programme.


Outputs provided by the research team will include scholarly works, such as articles published in various musicological journals, book chapters, and monographs. The Institute of Musicology will regularly publish further issues of the journal De musica disserenda and will dedicate thematic volumes to specific programme topics. The e-series Sources for the History of Music in the Slovenian Lands will be continued. Within the platform of e-monographs the Slovenian Musical Heritage series will provide new materials; but some publications (such as a monograph on operatic history) will be published elsewhere. New critical digital editions in the series Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae (e-MAMS) will be prepared and newly commentated earlier volumes of MAMS will be placed online. A large database of musicians and repertoires will be maintained. At least two international conferences are planned by the Institute of Musicology.

Since the research outputs are intended also for a wider audience, practical musical editions are planned. These will contribute decisively to the popularisation and appreciation of the Slovenian cultural heritage. A series of top-level early music performances will be organised in the annual concert series of Harmonia concertans: Early Music at the New Square. The Institute will organise some workshops for professional and lay musicians, and the programme team will continue to bring research results closer to a wide spectrum of individuals (magazine articles, pedagogical materials, concert programme notes etc.).

In the following list, works that touch on topics from several work packages are listed in all relevant packages, so that some of the references are cited more than once.


ERJAVEC, Jana.Contrafacta in the Archive of the Abbey and Parish Church of St Daniel in Celje”. De musica disserenda 19, no. 1 (2023): 11–36. Scientific article.
KOKOLE, Metoda. “Užaljena gospa Artemizija ali Kristus nam je danes rojen: celjske kontrafakture operne arije Giuseppa Gazzanige” [“Resentful Donna Artemisia or Christ Is Born unto Us: The Celje Contrafacta of an Opera Aria by Giuseppe Gazzaniga”]. De musica disserenda 19, no. 1 (2023): 37–58. Scientific article.
MOTNIK, Marko. Anselm Hüttenbrenner in Lower Styria (1853–1858). De musica disserenda 18, nos. 1–2 (2022): 77–126. Scientific article.


ERJAVEC, Jana.Contrafacta in the Archive of the Abbey and Parish Church of St Daniel in Celje”. De musica disserenda 19, no. 1 (2023): 11–36. Scientific article.
GRABNAR, Klemen. “Glasba protestantske Cerkve na Slovenskem: zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem (4)”. Družina: slovenski katoliški tednik, 27 March 2022: 23. Professional article.
GRABNAR, Klemen. “Glasbeno razgibano 16. stoletje: zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem (3)”. Družina: slovenski katoliški tednik, 20 March 2022: 23. Professional article.
GRABNAR, Klemen. “Jurij Slatkonja v slovenskem glasbenem zgodovinopisju”. In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, edited by Metoda Kokole and Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec, 87–104. Odstiranja 9. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, 2023. Chapter in a monograph.
GRABNAR, Klemen. “Jurij Slatkonja v slovenskem glasbenem zgodovinopisju”. Paper read at the international conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 September 2022.
GRABNAR, Klemen. Škofovi najljubši madrigali. In 41. Festival Radovljica 2023: 5.–23. avgust, edited by Domen Marinčič, 18–20. Radovljica: Društvo ljubiteljev stare glasbe, 2023. Text to the concert programme.
GRABNAR, Klemen. “Uglasbitev kantika magnifikat Simoneja Gatta na primeru skladbe Magnificat primi toni”. Muzikološki zbornik 59, nos. 1–2 (2023): 135–151. Scientific article.
Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja [Georg Slatkonia (1456–1522): From Carniola to Vienna]. Edited by Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec and Metoda Kokole. Odstiranja 9. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. Book.
MOTNIK, Marko. Haydn und die Philharmonische Gesellschaft zu Laibach: die frühe Überlieferung von Haydns Kirchenmusik im heutigen Slowenien. Paper read at the international conference Joseph Haydn & die Sakralmusik [Reassessing Haydn’s sacred music]. Eisenstadt, Austria, 12–14 June 2023.
MOTNIK, Marko. “Med miti, legendami in dejstvi: dunajska dvorna kapela v času Jurija Slatkonje” [“Between Myths, Legends and Facts: The Vienna Court Chapel in the Time of Georg Slatkonja”]. In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, edited by Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec and Metoda Kokole, 105–122. Odstiranja 9. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. Chapter in a monograph.
MOTNIK, Marko. “Med miti, legendami in dejstvi: dunajska dvorna kapela v času Jurija Slatkonje” [“Between Myths, Legends and Facts: The Vienna Court Chapel in the Time of Georg Slatkonja”]. Paper read at the international conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 September 2022.
ŠTER, Katarina. Discubuit Iesus: Škof Tomaž Hren, Gornji Grad in slovenski koral [“Discubuit Iesus: Bishop Thomas Chrön, Gornji Grad and Slovenian Chant”]. In Utrinki iz slovenske in evropske glasbene zgodovine: razprave ob jubileju Jurija Snoja [Fragments from Slovenian and European Music History: Papers in Honour of Jurij Snoj], edited by Nejc Sukljan and Katarina Šter, 153–194. Muzikološki zbornik 59, nos. 1–2 (2023). Scientific article.
ŠTER, Katarina. “Frederick III and Liturgical Music in the Slovenian Lands”. Paper read at the international conference Od Rudolfa do Maksimilijana: vzpon Habsburžanov v vzhodnoalpskem prostoru (1273–1526) [From Rudolf to Maximilian: The Rise of the Habsburgs in the Eastern Alpine Area (1273–1526)]. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19 October 2023.
ŠTER, Katarina. “Glasba na Slovenskem v srednjem veku: zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem”. Družina: slovenski katoliški tednik, 6 March 2022: 23. Professional article.
ŠTER, Katarina. “Gregorijanski koral in liturgično enoglasje: zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem”. Družina: slovenski katoliški tednik, 13 March 2022: 23. Professional article.
ŠTER, Katarina, ed. Kontrafakture posvetne glasbe v cerkvenih arhivih slovenske Štajerske [Secular Music Contrafacta in the Church Archives of Slovenian Styria]. De musica disserenda 19, no. 1 (2023). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. Thematic volume of the journal.
ŠTER, Katarina. “Koralna glasba na Slovenskem v času Jurija Slatkonje” [“Plainchant in the Slovenian Lands in the Time of Georg Slatkonia”]. In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja [Georg Slatkonia (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): From Carniola to Vienna], edited by Metoda Kokole and Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec, 123–142. Odstiranja 9. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, 2023. Chapter in a monograph.
ŠTER, Katarina. “Koralna glasba na Slovenskem v času Jurija Slatkonje”. [“Plainchant in the Slovenian Lands in the Time of Georg Slatkonia”]. Paper read at the international conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja [Georg Slatkonia (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): From Carniola to Vienna]. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 September 2022.


ŠTER, Katarina. “Frederick III and Liturgical Music in the Slovenian Lands”. Paper read at the international conference From Rudolf to Maximilian: The Rise of the Habsburgs in the Eastern Alpine Area (1273–1526). Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19 October 2023.
ŠTER, Katarina.He puelle regie and Applying Musicological Research in the Alps-Adriatic Region: From Manuscript to Concert”. Paper read at the international conference of the Austrian Musicological Society Angewandte Musikwissenschaften [Applied (Ethno-) Musicologies]. Klagenfurt, Austria, 16 November 2023.
ŠTER, Katarina. “Koralna glasba na Slovenskem v času Jurija Slatkonje” [“Plainchant in the Slovenian Lands in the Time of Georg Slatkonia”]. In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja [Georg Slatkonia (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): From Carniola to Vienna], edited by Metoda Kokole and Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec, 123–142. Odstiranja 9. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, 2023. Chapter in a monograph.
ŠTER, Katarina. “Koralna glasba na Slovenskem v času Jurija Slatkonje” [“Plainchant in the Slovenian Lands in the Time of Georg Slatkonia”]. Paper read at the international conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja [Georg Slatkonia (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): From Carniola to Vienna]. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 September 2022.
ŠTER, Katarina. “The Mysterious Gradual Fragment from the Charterhouse Bistra”. Paper read at the international musicological conference MedRen: Munich 2023 [Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference]. München, Germany, 28 July 2023.
ŠTER, Katarina. “A Refuge for Disillusioned Academics': The Flight of University Students and Professors to Carthusian Monasteries and Their Experience of Chant in the 15th Century". Invited lecture read within the lecture cycle Music@AlpeAdria of the Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik. Klagenfurt, Austria, 25 May 2022.


KOKOLE, Metoda. “Metamorphoses of Italian Operas upon Reaching the Austrian Realms in the 18th Century”. Invited lecture at the Research Seminar of the Department of Musicology at the University of Uppsala. Uppsala, Sweden, 9 May 2023.
MOTNIK, Marko. »Anselm Hüttenbrenner in Lower Styria (1853–1858)«. De musica disserenda 18, nos. 1–2 (2022): 77–126. Scientific article.
MOTNIK, Marko. “Med miti, legendami in dejstvi: dunajska dvorna kapela v času Jurija Slatkonje” [“Between Myths, Legends and Facts: The Vienna Court Chapel in the Time of Georg Slatkonja”]. In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, edited by Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec and Metoda Kokole, 105–122. Odstiranja 9. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. Chapter in a monograph.
MOTNIK, Marko. “Med miti, legendami in dejstvi: dunajska dvorna kapela v času Jurija Slatkonje” [“Between Myths, Legends and Facts: The Vienna Court Chapel in the Time of Georg Slatkonja”]. Paper read at the international conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15 September 2022.
MOTNIK, Marko. “Nemške pesmi Daniela Lagkhnerja (1606)” [“German Songs by Daniel Lagkhner (1606)”]. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje 94, n. v. 59, no. 4 (2023): 5–32. Scientific article.
MOTNIK, Marko. Weilet die Muse mit dir, ihrem Liebling: die Freundschaft zwischen der Sängerin Sophie Linhart und Anselm Hüttenbrenner. In Drehscheibe Graz: musikkulturelle Verbindungen im 19. Jahrhundert, edited by Ingeborg Harer, 61–74. Graz: Leykam, 2022. Chapter in a monograph.
Tartini: včeraj, danes, jutri [Tartini: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow]. Round table at Tartini’s day. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 November 2023. Coorganisation of the event.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. The Musical Heritage of a Golden Age: Migration and Diversity in the Nineteenth Century Slovene Lands. Digital Exhibition.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša, ed. Priseljeni glasbeniki na Slovenskem v dolgem 19. stoletju [Foreign Musicians in the Slovene Lands during the Long Nineteenth Century]. De musica disserenda 18, nos. 1–2 (2022). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2022. Thematic volume of the journal.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “The Role and Contribution of Immigrant Musicians to the Music Societies in the Slovene Lands until the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary”. In Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo, edited by Jernej Weiss, 335–396. Studia musicologica Labacensia 6. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2023. Chapter in monograph.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “The Role and Contribution of Foreign Musicians to the Music Societies in the Slovene Lands until the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary”. Paper read at the international conference Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22 April 2022.
MOTNIK, Marko. »Spregledani skladatelj Jožef Robert Zupan (1760–1819) in njegovo glasbeno delo«. Kronika: časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino 72, no. 2 (2024): 285–296. Scientific article.


KOKOLE, Metoda. “Sacred, Profane, or Both? Sacred Contrafacta in the Early Nineteenth Century. In The Blasphemous in Music and Sound: International symposium; Book of abstracts, Zagreb, 30 November–2 December 2023, 29. Zagreb: Department of Musicology, University of Zagreb Academy of Music, 2023.
KOKOLE, Metoda. “Užaljena gospa Artemizija ali Kristus nam je danes rojen: celjske kontrafakture operne arije Giuseppa Gazzanige” [“Resentful Donna Artemisia or Christ Is Born unto Us: The Celje Contrafacta of an Opera Aria by Giuseppe Gazzaniga”]. De musica disserenda 19, no. 1 (2023): 37–58. Scientific article.
KOKOLE, Metoda. “La vendemmia by Bertati-Gazzaniga on Its Way across the Alps (1778–1884)”. Paper at the internationa conference Le forme dell’opera italiana del 18° secolo nei diversi paesi della regione transalpina. Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, 17 September 2022.
MOTNIK, Marko. “Das Musikleben im Ljubljana der 1830er Jahre in den Berichten von Franz Franz”. Paper read at the international conference Musikalische Praxis im langen 19. Jahrhundert: unbekannte Ego-Dokumente aus Zentraleuropa [Musical practice in the long nineteenth century: unknown ego-documents from Central Europe]. Vienna, Austria, 20–22 September 2022.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture in the 19th-Century Carniola and Lower Styria”. Arti musices 54, no. 2 (2023): 289–333. Scientific article.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture in 19th-Century Ljubljana”. Paper read at the international workshop Institutionalization of modern bourgeois musical culture in the 19th century. Zagreb, Croatia, 7 October 2022.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “The Musical Network of the Ljubljana Philharmonic Society”. In Musical Networking in the 'Long 19th Century', edited by Vjera Katalinić. Zagreb: Croatian Musicological Society, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2023. Scientific article.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “The Role and Contribution of Immigrant Musicians to the Music Societies in the Slovene Lands until the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary”. In Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo, edited by Jernej Weiss, 335–396. Studia musicologica Labacensia 6. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2023. Chapter in monograph.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “The Role and Contribution of Foreign Musicians to the Music Societies in the Slovene Lands until the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary”. Paper read at the international conference Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22 April 2022.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “The Role and Contribution of Foreign Musicians to the Music Societies in the Slovene Lands until the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary”. In Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo; program in izvlečki [Musical Societies in the Long 19th Century: Between Amateur and Professional Culture; programme and abstracts], edited by Maruša Šinkovič and Rebeka Glasenčnik, 28–29. Ljubljana: Festival, 2022.


MOTNIK, Marko. “Das Musikleben im Ljubljana der 1830er Jahre in den Berichten von Franz Franz”. Paper read at the international conference Musikalische Praxis im langen 19. Jahrhundert: unbekannte Ego-Dokumente aus Zentraleuropa [Musical practice in the long nineteenth century: unknown ego-documents from Central Europe]. Vienna, Austria, 20–22 September 2022.
RIEDING, Oskar. Four Concert Miniatures for Violin and Piano: Tendresse, L’Aveu, Le Départ, Désir ardent. Edited by Maruša Zupančič. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, Muzikološki inštitut, 2022. Critical edition of a source.
ZUPANČIČ, MARUŠA. “Between Acts: Instrumental Music in Ljubljana’s Estates Theatre (1802–1837)”. Muzikološki zbornik 59, nos. 1–2 (2023): 225–277. Scientific article.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture in the 19th-Century Carniola and Lower Styria”. Arti musices 54, no. 2 (2023): 289–333. Scientific article.
ZUPANČIČ, MARUŠA. »Joseph Benesch: A Forgotten Bohemian Violinist and an Imitator of Niccolò Paganini Within the Central European Violinistic Tradition«. De musica disserenda 18, nos. 1–2 (2022): 11–76. Scientific article.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. »Ženske kot protagonistke klavirske umetnosti v prvi polovici 19. stoletja v Ljubljani«. Alternator 25 (2024). Online Journal. Professional article.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. »Transcending Traditional Roles: The Emergence of Women Instrumentalists in Ljubljana's Public Cultural Life until 1850«. Paper read at the international conference Transcending Traditional Roles: Female Musicians on the Path to Artistic Freedom. Ljubljana, 2122 November 2024.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. »Transcending Traditional Roles: The Emergence of Women Instrumentalists in Ljubljana's Public Cultural Life until 1850«. In Transcending Traditional Roles: Female Musicians on the Path to Artistic Freedom; program and abstracts, edited by Ivana Maričić, Marko Motnik in Katarina Šter, Ljubljana, 2122 November 2024.

Relational database of musicians MUSIQUM

ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. MUSIQUM, A Digital Panorama of the 19th Century Musical Heritage in Slovenia. Relational database.

Digital platform for publishing music

GRABNAR, Klemen. MAMS na poti k pravim digitalnim izdajam. Contribution to the round table Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4 September 2023.

Various other achievements

KOKOLE, Metoda, ed. Authentic, Fake or Mistaken Identity?: Creation, Recreation, Deception and Forgery in Music. De musica disserenda 19, no. 2 (2023). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. Thematic volume of the journal.
KOKOLE, Metoda. “Pregled 40 let obstoja zbirke MAMS” [“40 Years of the MAMS Series: An Overview”]. Contribution to the round table Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo [Critical Editions of Early Music Between the Past and the Future]. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4 September 2023.
KOKOLE, Metoda and Klemen Grabnar. “The Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae (MAMS) Now and in the Future”. Paper at a workshop A New Ecosystem of Early Music Studies (EarlyMuse), Cost Action CA21161. Barcelona, Spain, 13 February 2023.
Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo: ob štiridesetletnici zbirke Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae [Critical Editions of Early Music Between the Past and the Future: On the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae Collection]. Organisation of the round table. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4 September 2023.
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. “Dermelj, Albert: (1912–1986)”. In Slovenska biografijaNovi Slovenski biografski leksikon. 2023.

Research Programme

zgodovina glasbe
glasbene migracije
gender studies
cultural history
Slovenian music heritage
musical works
sources for the study of music
analysis and contextualisation
digital musicology

Research Fields
Musicology H320