Music migrations in the early modern age: the meeting of the European East, West and South
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Metoda Kokole, PhD-
Original Title
Music migrations in the early modern age: the meeting of the European East, West and South
Project Team
Metoda Kokole, PhD, Radovan Škrjanc, PhD, Nataša Cigoj Krstulović, PhD, Maruša Zupančič, PhD, Klemen Grabnar, PhD, Katarina Trček, PhD-
1 September 2013–31 August 2016 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
The study of music migrations offers insight into musical and cultural encounters in spatial terms (European east, west, and south) and in temporal terms (seventeenth to eighteenth centuries). The migrations studied include not only musicians themselves, but also music repertoire and ideas, musical forms and styles, and so on. All groups focused on gathering individual information on migrating musicians within their selected territory, entering the data in the common database, creating a map of migration flows, and drawing systematic and synthetic conclusions. Individual researchers developed further systematic research issues via specific case studies. In addition to these common endeavors, the Slovenian group held various events and also prepared two music editions and presented two concerts.
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Selected bibliographical results:
POLLINI, Francesco (skladatelj), ŠKRJANC, Radovan, KOKOLE, Metoda (urednik). Tre sonate, op. 26, (Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ, 59). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2014. 2 zv. (XLV, 89 str.), faks. [COBISS.SI-ID 277404416]
ARENA, Giuseppe (skladatelj), KOKOLE, Metoda (urednik). Achille in Sciro (1738) : arije Ahila in Dejdameje = arias for Achilles and Deidamia, (Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ, 60). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2016. 1 partitura (LVI, 93 str.), faks. [COBISS.SI-ID 287156736]
KOKOLE, Metoda (urednik), TALBOT, Michael (urednik). Poti glasbenih rokopisov in tiskov v novoveški Evropi = Itineraries of musical manuscripts and prints in modern Europe, (De musica disserenda, letn. 11, št. 1/2). Ljubljana: Muzikološki inštitut, ZRC SAZU, 2015. 303 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-254-823-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 281200128]
TRČEK MARUŠIČ, Katarina. Orgle in orgelska glasba v slovenski kulturni zgodovini do nastopa cecilijanstva : predstavitev raziskovalnega dela, dvorana župnijskega doma, Dol pri Ljubljani, 20. feb. 2016. [COBISS.SI-ID 39554349]
ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Collecting data of musicians : dilemmas of choice and wanted categories : predavanje na posvetovanju "Music Migrations: from Source Research to Cultural Studies", Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Philosophicum, Fakultätssaal, 24. apr. 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID 37063469]
KOKOLE, Metoda. Glasbeni utrinki s potovanja štajerskega plemiča po Evropi 18. stoletja = Musical impressions from an eighteenth-century European tour by a Styrian nobleman. Muzikološki zbornik [Tiskana izd.], 2015, zv. 51, [št.] 1, str. 57-79, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 38480429].
KOKOLE, Metoda. Giuseppe Arena's Achille in Sciro (1738) : from Rome to a Styrian private household and finally to public theatre in Graz. V: KATALINIĆ, Vjera (ur.). Glazbene migracije u rano moderno doba : ljudi, tržišta, obrasci i stilovi = Music migrations in the early modern age : people, markets, patterns and styles, (Serija Muzikološki zbornici, br. 18, no. 18). Zagreb: Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo. 2016, str. 247-269, ilustr., note. [COBISS.SI-ID 40289069]
KOKOLE, Metoda. The lasting musical effects of the Italian Grand tours of Ignaz Maria von Attems-Heiligenkreutz (1714-1762) and Thomas Gray (1716-1771). Arti musices : hrvatski muzikološki zbornik, 2016, god. 47, br. 1/2, str. 79-701, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40894509]
KOKOLE, Metoda. Did Andrea Bernasconi compose Adriano in Siria twice?. V: GUZY-PASIAK, Jolanta (ur.), MARKUSZEWSKA, Aneta (ur.). Music migration in the early modern age : centres and peripheries : people, works, styles, paths of dissemination and influence. Warsaw: Liber Pro Arte. 2016, str. 237-262, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 41396525]
KOKOLE, Metoda. Migrations of music repertoire : the Attems music collection from around 1744. V: ZUR NIEDEN, Gesa (ur.), OVER, Berthold (ur.). Musicians' mobilities and music migrations in early modern Europe : biographical patterns and cultural exchanges, (Mainzer Historische Kulturwissenschaften, vol. 33). Bielefeld: Transcript. cop. 2016, str. 341-377, ilustr., tabele. [COBISS.SI-ID 40494381]
ŠKRJANC, Radovan. P. Mavricij Pöhm - glasbeni migrant? : prispevek k poznavanju življenja in dela frančiškanskega glasbenika na Slovenskem v drugi polovici 18. stoletja. De musica disserenda, ISSN 1854-3405. [Tiskana izd.], 2016, letn. 12, št. 2, str. 59-76, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40949549], [SNIP, Scopus do 23. 6. 2017: št. citatov (TC): 0, čistih citatov (CI): 0]
ŠKRJANC, Radovan. P. Mauritius Pöhm and his contribution to musical life in Novo mesto : during the second half of the eighteenth century. V: KOKOLE, Metoda (ur.), TALBOT, Michael (ur.). Poti glasbenih rokopisov in tiskov v novoveški Evropi = Itineraries of musical manuscripts and prints in modern Europe, (De musica disserenda, ISSN 1854-3405, letn. 11, št. 1/2). Ljubljana: Muzikološki inštitut, ZRC SAZU. 2015, letn. 11, št. 1/2, str. 229-254, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 38886701], [SNIP, Scopus do 31. 8. 2017: št. citatov (TC): 2, čistih citatov (CI): 1]
CIGOJ KRSTULOVIĆ, Nataša. Schikaneder in Ljubljana : repertoire transmission routes. V: GUZY-PASIAK, Jolanta (ur.), MARKUSZEWSKA, Aneta (ur.). Music migration in the early modern age : centres and peripheries : people, works, styles, paths of dissemination and influence. Warsaw: Liber Pro Arte. 2016, str. 263-280, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 41396781]
GRABNAR, Klemen. The Litaniarum liber (SI-Lnr, Ms 344) : transmission of musical litanies from Graz to the Duchy of Carniola. V: GUZY-PASIAK, Jolanta (ur.), MARKUSZEWSKA, Aneta (ur.). Music migration in the early modern age : centres and peripheries : people, works, styles, paths of dissemination and influence. Warsaw: Liber Pro Arte. 2016, str. 183-197, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 41396013]
TRČEK MARUŠIČ, Katarina. Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century migration flows in the territory of today's Slovenia. V: GUZY-PASIAK, Jolanta (ur.), MARKUSZEWSKA, Aneta (ur.). Music migration in the early modern age : centres and peripheries : people, works, styles, paths of dissemination and influence. Warsaw: Liber Pro Arte. 2016, str. 139-150, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 41395501]
TRČEK MARUŠIČ, Katarina. The tradition of Göbl's organ workshop. V: Music migrations in the early modern age : people, markets, patterns, styles : international musicological symposium, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Library building, central hall, Strossmayerov trg 14, Zagreb : book of abstracts. Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 2014, str. 191-204, tabele, fotogr. [COBISS.SI-ID 40292653]