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Digital Presentation of the Long-Sixteenth-Century Church Music Connected to Carniola


The proposed research project will have two main aims. The first will be the development of the digital platform and publishing two digital editions of music monuments from the Slovenian and European cultural heritage and the second will be the study of yet poorly researched special topics within the history of the Central-European long-sixteenth-century music connected to the Slovenian lands. However, the central and most useful part of the project for music historians, music theorists, musicians and general public will be two pilot music editions – digital critical editions, performance materials and scholarly texts on composers and published compositions. In parallel, in-depth research will be carried out in the form of case studies dedicated to known – and maybe also newly found – lacunae in general or Slovenian research on sixteenth-century sacred and church music. The proposed project will bring also the following socio-economic and culturally relevant achievements: an exhibition, a public concert performance with a pre-concert talk, an experimental music workshop, and an international round table.

Project Stages


  • Month 1: kick-off meeting of the project team and re-checking of arranged tasks
  • Month 2: launching of the project website, which will regularly inform the scientific and broader community about the contents, activities, events and results of the project
  • Months 1–12: collecting and studying of primary and secondary sources in order to collect material for the editions and studies and establish the context of research, including also visits to larger libraries abroad
  • Months 2–6: preparing and transcribing the primary sources for two pilot editions
  • Months 7–12: analysis of the gathered sources
  • Month 12: extracting the notation of the music document to MusicXML



  • Months 1–9: preparation of introductory studies and critical report for the two editions
  • Months 1–6: correcting the notation in MusicXML file
  • Months 2–10: preparation and presentation of partial results of the case studies in conferences
  • Months 4–10: preparation of the exhibition
  • Months 7–12: converting of MusicXML to MEI and enriching the new file
  • Months 10–12: preparation of the texts for the editions in TEI



  • Months 1–6: enriching the MEI file
  • Months 1–10: preparation and publishing of case studies
  • Month 2–7: preparation of the materials and the programme for a public concert performance with the pre-concert talk
  • Months 4–8: organization of the music workshop
  • Months 6–10: putting the two editions online
  • Month 10: organization of the international round table with a presentation of the digital platform and the two online music editions
  • Months 10–12: extra time for tasks which took more time than originally expected
  • Months 11–12: preparation of the final report



Completion of those project objectives that were not achieved by the end of the third year due to the epidemiological situation.


Music Editions

  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. I/1, In adventu Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 5. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2023.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. I/2, De nativitate, circumcisione et epiphania Domini. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 6. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2023.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. I/3, A dominica septuagesimae per quadragesimam de poenitentia. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 7. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2023.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. II/1, De passione Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 8. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. II/2, Lamentationes Ieremiae Prophetae. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 9. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. II/3, De resurrectione et ascensione Domini nostri Iesu Christi. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 10. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. II/4, De Spiritu sancto. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 11. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. III/1, De sancta Trinitate et de Corpore Christi. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 12. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. III/2, In dedicatione templi et a dominica post pentecosten usque ad adventum Domini. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 13. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. IV/1, Harmoniae octo vocum. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 14. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. IV/2, Harmoniae sex vocum. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 15. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. IV/3, Harmoniae quinque vocum. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 16. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Iacobus Gallus. Opus musicum. Vol. IV/3, Harmoniae quatuor vocum / Psalmi omnibus sanctis triumphales. Transcribed and revised by Edo Škulj, with a new foreword by Marc Desmet. Digitized post-edition. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 17. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024.
  • Klemen Grabnar, ed. Selected Works from the Hren Choirbooks. Vol. 3, Simone Gatto, Three Masses. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 64. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024. (In preparation)
  • Jacobus Handl-Gallus. Six Motets for eight voices. Edited by Marko Motnik. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae 65. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024. (In preparation)
  • Jean Guyot de Châtelet. Missa Pastores quidnam vidistis. Edited by Klemen Grabnar. Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae, Supplementa 5. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, SAZU, 2024. (In preparation)



  • Klemen Grabnar. Parodične maše v Hrenovih kornih knjigah. Slovenska glasbena dediščina 5. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2024. (In preparation)


Scholarly Articles

  • Marko Motnik. "Zwischen Ländern und Konfessionen: lacobus Handl-Gallus in Mitteldeutschland". Die Tonkunst: Magazin für klassische Musik und Musikwissenschaft 16, no. 4 (2022): 451–459. (COBISS.SI-ID 137226499)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "Uglasbitev kantika magnifikat Simoneja Gatta na primeru skladbe Magnificat primi toni". Muzikološki zbornik 59, nos. 1–2 (2023): 135–151. (COBISS.SI-ID 178909955)
  • Katarina Šter. "Discubuit Iesus: škof Tomaž Hren, Gornji Grad in slovenski koral". Muzikološki zbornik 59, nos. 1–2 (2023): 153–194. (COBISS.SI-ID 178915331)
  • Gregor Pompe. "Digitalno-konceptualistični premiki: analiza festivalov Forum nove glasbe". De musica disserenda 19, no. 1 (2023): 157–181. (COBISS.SI-ID 173374979)
  • Andrea Puentes-Blanco, Metoda Kokole, Philippe Vendrix, María Gembero-Ustárroz, Rebecca Herissone, Christian Troelsgård, Klemen Grabnar, Birgit Lodes, Kateryna Schöning and Vilena Vrbanić. "The Monumental Edition in the Digital Age: Creating a Sustainable Future". Journal of New Music Research, 16 July 2024. 202511363)
  • Mojca Kovačič and Urša Šivic. "Glasbena notacija v ljubiteljski glasbeni dejavnosti in etnomuzikologiji". De musica disserenda 20, nos. 1–2 (2024). (In preparation)


Chapters in a Monograph

  • Klemen Grabnar. "Jurij Slatkonja v slovenskem glasbenem zgodovinopisju". In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, edited by Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec and Metoda Kokole, 87–104. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 179638531)
  • Marko Motnik. "Med miti, legendami in dejstvi: dunajska dvorna kapela v času Jurija Slatkonje". In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, edited by Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec and Metoda Kokole, 105–122. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 179649027)
  • Katarina Šter. "Koralna glasba na Slovenskem v času Jurija Slatkonje". In Jurij Slatkonja (1456–1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, edited by Lilijana Žnidaršič Golec and Metoda Kokole, 123–142. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica, Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 179657219)
  • Marko Motnik. "Editing the Motets of Jacobus Handl-Gallus Preserved in Manuscripts: A Problem of Sources or a Source of Problems?". In Hudobnohistorické štúdie venované pamiatke prof. PhDr. Ľubomíra Chalupku, CSc. / Music historical studies dedicated in the memory of Prof. PhDr. Ľubomír Chalupka, CSc, edited by Marta Hulková, 199–211. Hudobnohistorický výskum na Slovensku začiatkom 21. storočia, no. 7, vol. 7. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra muzikológie, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 194048003)
  • Metoda Kokole. "Isaac Posch (ok. 1591–1622/23)". In Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. Vol. 2, Glasba na Slovenskem od konca 16. do izteka 18. stoletja, edited by Metoda Kokole. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. (In preparation)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "Glasba v ljubljanski stolnici in Gornjegrajski sostolnici v času škofa Tomaža Hrena". In Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. Vol. 2, Glasba na Slovenskem od konca 16. do izteka 18. stoletja, edited by Metoda Kokole. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2024. (In preparation)


Contribution presented at the conferences et al.

  • Klemen Grabnar. "Bohoričev šolski red in glasba na stanovski šoli". Paper presented at the conference Novi pogledi na Adama Bohoriča, Ljubljana, 2021. (COBISS.SI-ID 88968451)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "Glasbena podoba obredja v času škofa Hrena: stolnici v Ljubljani in Gornjem Gradu". Online lecture within the cycle Sursum corda of the Zavod za cerkveno glasbo, 30 November 2021. (COBISS.SI-ID 89248771)
  • Katarina Šter and Klemen Grabnar. "An Authentic Message in an Inauthentic Language: A 'Slovenian Vestment' for the Chant Discubuit Jesus." Paper presented at the international musicological conference Authentic, Fake or Mistaken Identity? Creation, Recreation, Deception and Forgery in Music, Ljubljana, 2021. (COBISS.SI-ID 93549571)
  • Katarina Šter. "Koralna glasba na Slovenskem v času Jurija Slatkonje". Paper presented at the scientific conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, Ljubljana, 2022. (COBISS.SI-ID 129714179)
  • Marko Motnik. "Med miti, legendami in dejstvi: dunajska dvorna kapela v Slatkonjevem času". Paper presented at the scientific conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, Ljubljana, 2022. (COBISS.SI-ID 129717763)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "Jurij Slatkonja v slovenskem glasbenem zgodovinopisju". Paper presented at the scientific conference Jurij Slatkonja (21. 3. 1456–26. 4. 1522): od Kranjske do Dunaja, Ljubljana, 2022. (COBISS.SI-ID 129720579)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "Glasbena liturgija v Gallusovem času". Paper presented at the seminar Gallus – evropski skladatelj, Glasbena matica, Ljubljana, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 164548867)
  • Katarina Šter. "Interpretacija Gallusovih motetov in maš na izbranih primerih". Paper presented at the seminar Gallus - evropski skladatelj, Glasbena matica, Ljubljana, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 164541443)
  • Marko Motnik. "Primarni viri in izvajalska praksa". Paper presented at the seminar Gallus - evropski skladatelj, Glasbena matica, Ljubljana, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 164555523)
  • Metoda Kokole. "Pregled 40 let obstoja zbirke MAMS". Paper presented at the round table Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preklostjo in prihodnostjo, Ljubljana, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 180035587)
  • Marko Motnik. "Gallusove skladbe v orgelskih tabulaturah in drugih rokopisnih virih – nove možnosti in izzivi". Paper presented at the round table Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preklostjo in prihodnostjo, Ljubljana, 2023.
  • Klemen Grabnar. "MAMS na poti k pravim digitalnim izdajam". Paper presented at the round table Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preklostjo in prihodnostjo, Ljubljana, 2023.
  • Metoda Kokole and Klemen Grabnar. "The Monumenta Artis Musicae Sloveniae (MAMS) Now and in the Future". Paper presented at the meeting State-of-the-Art and Future Strategies for Early Music Editions of the European project COST »A New Ecosystem of Early Music Studies« (EarlyMuse), Barcelona, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 149467907)
  • Marko Motnik. "Motets by Jacobus Handl – Gallus (1550 – 1591) Preserved in Manuscripts: A Source of Problems". Paper presented at the international musicological conference International Musicological Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. PhDr. Ľubomír Chalupka, CSc., Bratislava, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 168887299)


Professional Articles et al.

  • Klemen Grabnar. "Glasbeno razgibano 16. stoletje". Družina, 20 March 2022, p. 23. (COBISS.SI-ID 102860547)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "Glasba protestantske Cerkve na Slovenskem". Družina, 27 March 2022, p. 23. (COBISS.SI-ID 117479939)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "[Z ljubljanskim škofom Tomažem Hrenom]". In Motecta bona & favorabilia: priljubljeni moteti iz ljubljanske stolnice; Harmonia contertans, Stara glasba na Novem trgu, 13. sezona 2023, četrti koncert, Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana, 4. septembra 2023, 1–2. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Muzikološki inštitut, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 183344131)
  • Klemen Grabnar and Domen Marinčič. "[Jurij Slatkonja]". In Jurij Slatkonja in dunajska dvorna kapela: Harmonia contertans, Stara glasba na Novem trgu, 12. sezona 2022, četrti koncert, Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana, 16. septembra 2022, 1–2. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Muzikološki inštitut, 2022. (COBISS.SI-ID 183348483)
  • Marko Motnik. "Ad modum echo". In Odmev preteklosti: Komorni zbor Glasbene matice Ljubljana, Mateja Bajt, kljunaste flavte, umetniški vodja Sebastjan Vrhovnik; nedelja, 7. maj 2023, 20.00, Minoritski samostan v Mariboru, 4–6. Maribor: Carmina Slovenica; Ljubljana: Glasbena matica Ljubljana, 2023. (COBISS.SI-ID 154791171)
  • Klemen Grabnar. "Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae na poti k pravim digitalnim izdajam". In Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo: ob štiridesetletnici zbirke Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae, edited by Metoda Kokole, 79–82. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2024. (COBISS.SI-ID 194123267)
  • Marko Motnik. "V rokopisih ohranjene skladbe Jacobusa Handla - Gallusa". In Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo: ob štiridesetletnici zbirke Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae, edited by Metoda Kokole, 63–66. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2024. (COBISS.SI-ID 194123011)
  • Metoda Kokole. "Sprehod skozi štirideset let Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae". In Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo: ob štiridesetletnici zbirke Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae, edited by Metoda Kokole, 14–21. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2024. (COBISS.SI-ID 194122755)




Music Workshop


International Round Table

  • Kritične izdaje stare glasbe med preteklostjo in prihodnostjo: ob štiridesetletnici zbirke Monumenta artis musicae Sloveniae. Ljubljana, 4 September 2023.

(Klemen Grabnar also participated in the meeting of editors of Monumenta music editions in Europe, which took place in Barcelona on 19–20 September 2023 in the framework of the COST Action 21161 "A New Ecosystem of Early Music Studies" (EarlyMuse), with participants from the UK, Denmark, France, Poland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain and Croatia.)



  • Musicalia of the Bishop of Ljubljana Thomas Chrön (1560–1630). 42nd Radovljica Festival 2024, 10–27 August 2024, Radovljica Manor.

Research Project

digitalna humanistika • glasbena tehnologija • slovenska kulturna dediščina • glasba 16. stoletja • cerkvena glasba

Research Fields
Muzikologija H320