Repertoire analysis of old music manuscripts in Slovenia
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Jurij Snoj, PhDProject Team
Metoda Kokole, PhD, Nataša Cigoj Krstulović, PhD, Nataša Cigoj Krstulović, PhD, dr. Alenka Bagarič, Ivan Klemenčič, PhD, Mag. Tomaž Faganel, Alenka Bagarič, PhD, dr. Ivan Klemenčič, Tomaž Faganel, Msc., Božidara Frelih, Darja Frelih-
Project ID
1 July 1998–30 June 2003 -
Repertoire analysis of old music manuscripts in Slovenia -
Financial Source
Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije
This project focused on a basic content analysis of music manuscripts and prints up to the beginning of the twentieth century that are held in Slovenian libraries and archives. It encompassed historical studies of individual music sources or collections, but it also compared the entire repertoire with those of other (central) European countries. It also involved indexing the contents of individual manuscript music sources or collections and analyzing the indexed material. Indexing was carried out by creating databases with all the relevant information about individual manuscript sources or collections. The databases then served as the basis for individual studies that aimed to determine the extent and nature of older musical repertoires in Slovenia.
The project’s research program also involved indexing the contents of individual manuscript music sources or collections and analyzing the indexed material. Indexing was carried out by creating databases with all the relevant information about individual manuscript sources or collections. The databases then served as the basis for individual studies that aimed to determine the extent and nature of older musical repertoires in Slovenia.
Index of NŠAL Ms. 17, antiphonary (ca. 3,700 entries), copied in 1491 by Ioannes von Werd.
Index of NUK Ms. 22, gradual (ca. 500 entries), from the thirteenth century. Probably from the Bistra monastery. The index provides the most basic information about each piece in the manuscript: incipit, form, liturgical day, and in some cases modal affiliation and type determination.
Index of the second part of NŠAL Ms. 18, antiphonary (ca. 3,000 entries), which originated in Kranj. It has been inventoried with Cantus Planus and provides basic musical and liturgical information for each piece in the manuscript.
A critical edition of two offices, the St. Hellarus group and the St. Cancius group, was issued. Eight copies of the Office of St. Hellarus and the one known copy of the Office of St. Cancius were transcribed digitally and a list of all the textual and musical variants was made. This was used as the basis for preparing a scholarly critical edition of the text and music. This includes two variants of the Office of St. Hellarus (one from Aquileia and the other from the Kranj antiphonary), the Office of St. Cancius, a list of all the textual and musical variants, editions of both poetic texts, an alphabetical list of all the chants in both offices, and an editorial report that explains the transcription method. Alongside the editorial work there was also a more in-depth study of both offices that explored their characteristics and the area throughout which they extended and were known. The next phase of research dealt with the relationships between all known copies of the Office of St. Hellarus and established a hypothesis regarding its origin and spread.
SNOJ, Jurij. Two Aquileian poetic offices, (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Musical studies, vol. 65/8). Ottawa: The Institute of Mediæval Music, cop. 2003. XXXV, 66 str., note. [COBISS.SI-ID 21269549]
The book Music in Slovenia through the Aspect of Notation, coauthored with Gregor Pompe, focuses primarily on the notation and typological categories of preserved music manuscripts as musical sources.
SNOJ, Jurij, POMPE, Gregor. Pisna podoba glasbe na Slovenskem = Music in Slovenia through the aspect of notation. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2003. 297 str., ilustr., note. [COBISS.SI-ID 125716224]
SNOJ, Jurij. Gregorijanski koral : glasboslovni prikaz. Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 1999. 260 str., ilstr., note. [COBISS.SI-ID 100661760]
The exhibition Music in Slovenia through the Aspect of Notation was conceptualized and presented (in cooperation with Gregor Pompe) at World Music Days. It featured around 300 original music (composition) manuscripts from the eleventh to the twenty-first centuries.
SNOJ, Jurij. The poetic offices in the eastern part of the patriarchate of Aquileia. Studia musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2004, 45, fasc. 1/2, str. 213-224. [COBISS.SI-ID 23115053]
SNOJ, Jurij. Pesniški oficij Kancijev v antifonalu iz Kranja. V: SNOJ, Jurij (ur.), FRELIH, Darja (ur.). Zbornik ob jubileju Jožeta Sivca = Essays presented to Jože Sivec. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 2000, str. 43-64, note. [COBISS.SI-ID 13868333]
SNOJ, Jurij. Muzikološki vidik Stiškega rokopisa. V: GLAVAN, Mihael (ur.). Stiški rokopis, ([Zbirka Monumenta slovenica, 2]). Faksimile. Ljubljana: Slovenska knjiga, 1999, str. 55-62. [COBISS.SI-ID 20972845]
SNOJ, Jurij. Quis inventor musicae: Iubal and Pythagoras? : the Gregorian Chant in the history of East European music. V: KRAŠOVEC, Jože (ur.), WEISS, Peter (ur.). The interpretation of the Bible : the International Symposium in Slovenia, (Journal for the study of the Old Testament, Supplement series, 289). Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. cop. 1998, str. 1727-1738. [COBISS.SI-ID 10425645]
SNOJ, Jurij. Quis inventor musicae: Iubal and Pythagoras? : the Gregorian Chant in the history of West European music. V: KRAŠOVEC, Jože (ur.), WEISS, Peter (ur.). Interpretation of the Bible = Interpretation der Bibel = Interprétation de la Bible = Interpretacija Svetega pisma. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press. 1998, str. 1727-1738. [COBISS.SI-ID 9138989]