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Influx of musicians to the Slovene Lands during the long 19th century – their impact and integration


From the late eighteenth century until the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire musicians from abroad played a key role in the development of musical culture in the Slovenian Lands. At first they made a decisive contribution to the continued existence of cultural institutions such as the Philharmonic Society, Ljubljana Bishop’s Chapel, the Estates Theater and the infantry regiments, working as music teachers in various institutions or entirely privately. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, various musical societies were founded throughout the Slovenian territory, and there, too, these musicians from abroad took up leading roles: at the German-speaking music societies in Maribor (Marburger philharmonischer Verein), Celje (Cillier Musikverein) and Ptuj (Pettauer Musikverein); at the Slovenian Reading Society (Ljubljanska narodna čitalnica) and the Slovenian Music Society (Glasbena matica) in Ljubljana; and in several smaller musical associations. At the beginning of the twentieth century, they also shaped the concert life of the Slovenian Music Society’s branches in Novo mesto, Trieste, Celje and Kranj, as well as that of the Pan-Slavic oriented, later more Slovenian oriented, Trieste National Hall (Narodni dom v Trstu). One of the largest groups of musicians – singers, conductors, and orchestra members – from abroad was concentrated in operatic productions in the theaters. For more than a century, musicians from abroad brought contemporary repertoire to our land and composed numerous works in our country. They played a leading role in the development of virtuoso instrumental playing as well as chamber, choral and symphonic music. By introducing curricula and writing musical manuals and songbooks, they also brought many important changes to musical education. They trained the first important generation of Slovenian musicians, individuals who furthered their tradition and transmitted onward a legacy of which we are still the beneficiaries.

The project has two main objectives. The first goal is the creation of a relational database that will collect relevant data on musicians that moved to the Slovenian Lands between 1790 and 1919 and were active within various institutions. The database will mainly focus on biographical data of “migrants”, concert performances, compositions, and sources. This will provide analytical insights, but also serve as a medium for disseminating the results in the form of visualization to a wider audience. The second goal is to examine various aspects of music migration in the Slovenian Lands in the long nineteenth century based on the previously collected dataset. The results will be published as scholarly articles in the form of case and specific studies in various international musicological journals, as book chapters, and will also be presented at international musicological conferences. The project will also include the following socio-economic and cultural outputs: a virtual exhibition, and two concerts.



  • WEISS, Jernej. Čeští hudebníci ve Slovinsku v 19. a na začátku 20. století. Praha: KLP; Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2021. 291 p., ilustr. Hudební teorie & estetika, Vol. 3. ISBN 978-80-87773-70-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 73626115]
  • NAGODE, Aleš, CIGOJ KRSTULOVIĆ, Nataša, KURET, Primož, LAH, Špela, KOTER, Darja, SUKLJAN, Nejc, PODLESNIK TOMÁŠIKOVÁ, Lidija, WEISS, Jernej, POMPE, Gregor, BARBO, Matjaž, ŠIVIC, Urša, VENIŠNIK PETERNELJ, Vesna, ZUPANČIČ, Maruša, MOLIČNIK, Simona, NAGODE, Aleš (ed.), CIGOJ KRSTULOVIĆ, Nataša (ed.). Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. 1. e-izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske akultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. ISBN 978-961-06-0527-0., DOI: 10.4312/9789610605270. [COBISS.SI-ID 77381123]


  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša (ed.). Priseljeni glasbeniki na Slovenskem v dolgem 19. stoletju = Foreign musicians in the Slovene lands during the long nineteenth century. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2022. 257 str., ilustr., portreti, faks. De musica disserenda, vol. 18, nos. 1-2. ISBN 978-961-05-0639-3. ISSN 1854-3405. [COBISS.SI-ID 106595587]


  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. The role and contribution of immigrant musicians to the music societies in the Slovene lands until the dissolution of Austria-Hungary. V: WEISS, Jernej (ed.). Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo = Music societies in the long 19th century: between amateur and professional culture. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem; Ljubljana: Festival, 2023. pp. 335-396. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6. ISBN 978-961-293-217-6, ISBN 978-961-293-218-3. ISSN 2712-2867., DOI: 10.26493/978-961-293-217-6.335-396. [COBISS.SI-ID 141487875]
  • WEISS, Jernej. The merit of Czech musicians for the revival of the musical heritage of Jacobus Handl Gallus in Slovenia. V: WEISS, Jernej (ed.). Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo = Music societies in the long 19th century: between amateur and professional culture. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem; Ljubljana: Festival, 2023. pp. 397-408. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6. ISBN 978-961-293-217-6, ISBN 978-961-293-218-3. ISSN 2712-2867., DOI: 10.26493/978-961-293-217-6.397-408. [COBISS.SI-ID 141567491]
  • BARBO, Matjaž. Alfred Khom, a diligent choirmaster, skilful composer and experienced musician, torn between choral and philharmonic endeavours. V: WEISS, Jernej (ed.). Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo = Music societies in the long 19th century: between amateur and professional culture. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem; Ljubljana: Festival, 2023. pp. 409-429. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6. ISBN 978-961-293-217-6, ISBN 978-961-293-218-3. ISSN 2712-2867., DOI: 10.26493/978-961-293-217-6.409-429. [COBISS.SI-ID 141568515]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Joseph Benesch: a forgotten Bohemian violinist and an imitator of Niccolò Paganini within the Central European violinistic tradition. De musica disserenda. [Printed ed.]. 2022, vol. 18, nos. 1/2, pp. 11-76, illustr. ISSN 1854-3405., DOI: 10.3986/dmd18.1-2.01. [COBISS.SI-ID 110484483]
  • WEISS, Jernej. Musical performance activities of Josef Zöhrer at the Ljubljana Philharmonic Society. De musica disserenda. [Printed ed.]. 2022, vol. 18, nos. 1/2, pp. 167-195, illustr. ISSN 1854-3405., DOI: 10.3986/DmD18.1-2.04. [COBISS.SI-ID 114690307]
  • NAGODE, Aleš. Cecilijanski cerkvenoglasbeni slogovni ideal v delih Antona Foersterja : med normativizmom in stvarnostjo poustvarjalne prakse. De musica disserenda. [Printed ed.]. 2022, vol. 18, nos. 1-2, pp. 197-211, illustr. ISSN 1854-3405. [COBISS.SI-ID 113742595]
  • BARBO, Matjaž. Alfred Khom in njegovo delovanje v Ljubljani. De musica disserenda. [Printed ed.]. 2022, vol. 18, nos. 1-2, pp. 127-165, illustr. ISSN 1854-3405. [COBISS.SI-ID 113704451]
  • CIGOJ KRSTULOVIĆ, Nataša. Učenje glasbe in institucionalizacija glasbenega pouka. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 193-215, illustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 87138819]
  • NAGODE, Aleš. Pesem za glas in klavir na Slovenskem v 19. stoletju. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 367-384, illustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 85305091]
  • CIGOJ KRSTULOVIĆ, Nataša. Klavirska glasba. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 467-490, illustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 87132419]
  • BARBO, Matjaž. Slovenska večglasna ansambelska in zborovska pesem 19. stoletja. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 319-365, illustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 85307907]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Razvoj komorne glasbe na Slovenskem. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 427-465, illustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 86061315]
  • VENIŠNIK PETERNELJ, Vesna. Orkestralna glasba na Slovenskem od ustanovitve Filharmonične družbe do 1. svetovne vojne. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 401-426, illustr., note. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 86053635]
  • NAGODE, Aleš. Katoliška cerkvena glasba v 19. stoletju na Slovenskem. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 293-317, illustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 85252867]
  • WEISS, Jernej. Češki glasbeniki na Slovenskem. In: et al. Zgodovina glasbe na Slovenskem. 3, Glasba na Slovenskem med letoma 1800 in 1918. [1. ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: Založba ZRC, 2021. pp. 217-232, illustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0529-4., DOI: 10.4312/9789610605270. [COBISS.SI-ID 84758787]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. The influx of Bohemian violinists to Slovenia and Croatia up to the1920s. Arti musices : hrvatski muzikološki zbornik. 2019, vol. 50, nos. 1/2, pp. 259-300. ISSN 0587-5455., DOI: 10.21857/9e31lhn1dm. [COBISS.SI-ID 46002477]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Bohemian violinists in Ljubljana : Jan Šlajs's contribution to Ljubljana's violin school. In: WEISS, Jernej (ed.). Konservatoriji : profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela = Conservatories : professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem; Ljubljana: Festival, 2020. Str. 265-295, 417-419, 439-440. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4. ISBN 978-961-6832-67-0. ISSN 2536-2445., DOI: 10.26493/978-961-7055-86-3.265-295. [COBISS.SI-ID 46002989]
  • BOGUNOVIĆ HOČEVAR, Katarina. Beethoven's symphonies in the musical life of nineteenth-century Laibach. Studia musicologica : an international journal of musicology. June 2020, vol. 61, nos. 1-2, pp. 7-31, illustr. ISSN 1788-6244. [COBISS.SI-ID 91544067]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Impact of foreign-born musicians on Ljubljana's musical life until 1860. V: TUKSAR, Stanislav (ed.), et al. Glazba, umjetnosti i politika : revolucije i restauracije u Europi i Hrvatskoj 1815.-1860. : uz 200. obljetnicu rođenja Vatroslava Lisinskog i 160. obljetnicu smrti bana Josipa Jelačića = Music, arts and politics : revolutions and restorations in Europe and Croatia, 1815-1860 : on the occasion of 200th anniversary of Vatroslav Lisinski and 160th anniversary of the death of ban Josip Jelačić. Zagreb: Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo, 2021. pp. 643-677. [COBISS.SI-ID 97117443]
  • WEISS, Jernej. Václav Talich at the Slovene Provincial Theatre in Ljubljana. V: WEISS, Jernej (ed.). Vloga nacionalnih opernih gledališč v 20. in 21. stoletju = The role of national opera houses in the 20th and 21st centuries. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem; Ljubljana: Festival, 2019. pp. 291-302, 430-431, 452-453. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 3. ISBN 978-961-7055-52-8. ISSN 2536-2445. [COBISS.SI-ID 24410888]
  • BARBO, Matjaž. Operna "vožnja domov" Emila Hochreiterja. V: WEISS, Jernej (ur.). Vloga nacionalnih opernih gledališč v 20. in 21. stoletju = The role of national opera houses in the 20th and 21st centuries. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem; Ljubljana: Festival, 2019. pp. 313-331, 414, 434, illustr., note. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 3. ISBN 978-961-7055-52-8. ISSN 2536-2445. [COBISS.SI-ID 69645410]
  • WEISS, Jernej. Czastka, Josef : (1818-1884). Slovenska biografija, Novi Slovenski biografski leksikon. 2019. ISSN 2350-5370, ISSN 2350-5761. [COBISS.SI-ID 45912621]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Vorwort = Preface = Préface. V: OPPERMANN, Annette (ed.), RIEDING, Oskar. Concertino a-moll Opus 21 in ungarischer Weise für Violine und Klavier = Concertino in a minor op. 21 in Hungarian style for violin and piano. Urtext. [München]: G. Henle, [2020]. Str. [ii]-iii. [COBISS.SI-ID 116995075]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Vorwort = Preface = Préface. V: OPPERMANN, Annette (ed.), RIEDING, Oskar. Konzert h-moll Opus 35 für Violine und Klavier = Concerto in b minor op. 35 for violin and piano. Urtext. [München]: G. Henle, [2019]. Str. [ii]-iii. [COBISS.SI-ID 45086253]


  • RIEDING, Oskar (skladatelj), ZUPANČIČ, Maruša (editor, author of preface). Four concert miniatures for violin and piano : Tendresse, L’Aveu, Le Départ, Désir ardent. 1. e-ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, Institute of Musicology, 2022. DOI: 10.3986/9790709004386A. [COBISS.SI-ID 94686723]


  • WEISS, Jernej. Prispevek čeških glasbenikov k oživitvi glasbene dediščine Jacobusa Handla Gallusa na Slovenskem = The contribution made by Czech musicians to reviving the musical legacy of Iacobus Handl Gallus in Slovene lands. V: ŠINKOVIČ, Maruša (ur.), GLASENČNIK, Rebeka (ur.). Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju : med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo : Mednarodni muzikološki simpozij : 21. in 22. april 2022, Viteška dvorana, Križanke : [v okviru prireditve] 36. Slovenski glasbeni dnevi 2022, 19.-24. april : program in izvlečki = Musical societies in the long 19th century : between amateur and professional culture : International Musicological Symposium : 21st and 22nd April 2022, Knight's Hall, Križanke : [within] 36th Slovenian Music Days : programme and abstracts. Ljubljana: Festival, 2022. Str. 29-30. ISBN 978-961-7066-02-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 117005571]
  • BARBO, Matjaž. Alfred Khom, prizadevni zborovodja, spretni skladatelj in izkušen glasbenik, razpet med pevskimi omizji in filharmoničnimi prizadevanji = Alfred Khom, a diligent choirmaster, skilful composer and experienced musician, torn between choral and philharmonic endeavours. V: ŠINKOVIČ, Maruša (ur.), GLASENČNIK, Rebeka (ed.). Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju : med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo : Mednarodni muzikološki simpozij : 21. in 22. april 2022, Viteška dvorana, Križanke : [v okviru prireditve] 36. Slovenski glasbeni dnevi 2022, 19.-24. april : program in izvlečki = Musical societies in the long 19th century : between amateur and professional culture : International Musicological Symposium : 21st and 22nd April 2022, Knight's Hall, Križanke : [within] 36th Slovenian Music Days : programme and abstracts. Ljubljana: Festival, 2022. Str. 30-31. ISBN 978-961-7066-02-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 105832707]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Influx of musicians to the Slovene lands during the long 19th century : their impact and integration : presentation of the project at the international conference "Musical networking in the ʹlong 19th centuryʹ, Zagreb, 2. do 5. junij 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89279747]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. The musical network of the "immigrant musicians" of the Philharmonic Society in Ljubljana until 1919 : predavanje na mednarodni konferenci "Musical networking in the ʹlong 19th centuryʹ, Zagreb, 2. do 5. junij 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 89277443]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Vloga in prispevek priseljenih glasbenikov v glasbenih društvih na Slovenskem do razpada Avstro-Ogrske = The role and contribution of foreign musicians to the music societie [!] in the Slovene lands until the dissolution of Austria-Hungary. In: ŠINKOVIČ, Maruša (ed.), GLASENČNIK, Rebeka (ed.). Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju : med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo : Mednarodni muzikološki simpozij : 21. in 22. april 2022, Viteška dvorana, Križanke : [v okviru prireditve] 36. Slovenski glasbeni dnevi 2022, 19.-24. april : program in izvlečki = Musical societies in the long 19th century : between amateur and professional culture : International Musicological Symposium : 21st and 22nd April 2022, Knight's Hall, Križanke : [within] 36th Slovenian Music Days : programme and abstracts. Ljubljana: Festival, 2022. pp. 28-29. ISBN 978-961-7066-02-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 108847875]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Utjecaj srednjoeuropskih glazbenih sredina na glazbeni život Ljubljane od 1816. do 1860-ih = Impact of Central European music milieus on Ljubljanas musical life from 1816 until 1860s. V: Glazba, umjetnosti i politika : revolucije i restauracije u Europi i Hrvatskoj : 1815.-1860. = Music, arts and politics : revolutions and restorations in Europe and Croatia : 1815-1860. 14. međunarodni i interdisciplinarni simpozij Hrvatskog muzikološkog društva, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 16.-19. listopada 2019 = 14th International Musicological and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Croatian Musicological Society, Zagreb, Croatia, October 16-19, 2019. Zagreb: [s. n.], 2019. pp. 88-89. [COBISS.SI-ID 45344045]
  • ZUPANČIČ, Maruša. Češki violinisti u hrvatskim i slovenskim zemljama te njihova interakcija do 1919 = Bohemian violinists in Croatian and Slovene lands and their interactions until 1919. V: VALJALO KAPORELO, Jelica (ed.). Znanstveni diskursi o glazbi s aspekta suvremenih istraživačkih interesa : knjižica sažetaka = Scientific discourses on music from the perspective of contemporary research interests : book of abstracts. 1. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij mladih istraživača glazbe, Split, 7.-9. 12. 2018, 1st International Scientific Symposium of Early Career Researchers in Music, Split, 7th-9th December, 2018. Split: Umjetnička akademija u Splitu, 2018. Str. 68-70. [COBISS.SI-ID 44058669]


  • NAGODE, Aleš. Saint-Saëns in Hochreiter - dva mojstra iz lepih časov. Cerkveni glasbenik : glasilo slovenskih cerkvenih glasbenikov. 2021, vol. 114, [no.] 6, pp. 11-12, illustr. ISSN 0351-496X. [COBISS.SI-ID 91544579]



  • The relational database MUSDAT


  • Concert of Violin Works by immigrant musicians, 21 June 2020
  • Concert of concert miniatures by Oskar Rieding, 9 March 2021

Research Project

priseljeni glasbeniki na Slovenskem
glasbene migracije
Glasba 19. in 20. stoletja na Slovenskem

Research Fields
Muzikologija H320