Itineraries of Musical Manuscripts and Prints in Modern Europe
Itineraries of Musical Manuscripts and Prints in Modern Europe, edited by Metoda Kokole and Michael Talbot, is a double thematic volume of the journal De musica disserenda (vol. XI, nos 1–2, 2015). It contains 17 articles by musicologists from 10 European countries in English language, based on papers presented at the international conference held in Ljubljana in October 2014 and organised by the Institute of Musicology of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in partnership with the Jean Monnet University of Saint-Étienne in France and within the ambit of the HERA MusMig project. An introductory contribution by Iain Fenlon is followed by contributions of Paweł Gancarczyk, Jan Baťa and Lars Berglund which are concerned with Lutheran collections; next, articles by Marc Desmet and Marko Motnik examine the dissemination of works by Iacobus Handl-Gallus, while a large following group, by Ivano Cavallini, Michael Talbot, Tomasz Jeż, Marc Niubo, Rudolf Rasch and Vjera Katalinić, is made up of case studies dealing with various topics roughly ordered according to the chronology of the materials discussed. The volume ends with a series of articles presenting current Slovenian research into the subjects indicated by the respective titles, their authors being Klemen Grabnar, Radovan Škrjanc, Darja Koter, Vesna Venišnik and Maruša Zupančič.
Texts are available also online in the Open Journal System [].