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The Letters of Count Ignaz Maria von Attems-Heiligenkreuz to his Father (1734–1738). Digital Edition.

Edited by: Gabriele Haug-Moritz, Metoda Kokole
Year: 2020

This is a critical edition with commentary of a little known primary source of a typical eighteenth-century European Grand Tour – 34 family letters of a member of a wealthy noble family from the Inner-Austrian capital city of Graz, Ignaz Maria von Attems-Heiligenkreuz (1714–1762) addressed over a four-year period (November 1734 to September 1738) to his father. These letters are today deposited in the Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv in Graz in the Attems Family archive (Familienarchiv Attems, Briefe des Grafen Ignaz Attems, K. 19, H. 87). The correspondence is not only very informative on Attems’s education but also constitutes a rich source for the history of many everyday matters – routes, transport, costs, accommodation, health, clothing, education, religious issues, economic debates, descriptions of the foremost sites and artistic wonders of the time, etc. Furthermore, Ignaz Maria provided his father with current news and took good care to inform him as well about some of his visits to musical events, concerts, balls and operatic productions. The digital edition consists of facsimiles of the letters, a diplomatic transcription and studies.

18th century
conceptual history
everyday life
Grand Tour (nobility)
Ignaz Maria von Attems
transportation infrastructure


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