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Instrumental Music in Ljubljana’s Estates Theatre (1802–1837)
Published on: January 3, 2024

Did you know that at a time when public concerts were not yet widespread, theaters were the most important venues for public performances? They served not only as a venue for the performance of plays, but also as a stage for virtuoso performances and for the premiere of new instrumental works. These performances, known as musical interludes (Zwischenaktmusik), took place during the intermissions in the theater. Their main purpose was to entertain the audience during the intermissions or simply to fill the evenings and shorter plays. This tradition was also cultivated in the Estates Theater in Ljubljana. It hosted a variety of artists, from local orchestral directors to military Kapellmeisters and traveling virtuosos. You can read more about this in the article by Dr. Maruša Zupančič at the link below: