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Press conference 2009

Basic information

December 9, 2009 at 11:00
Little Hall ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 3, Ljubljana

Presented were music editions and journal published by the Institute of Musicology in 2008 and 2009:

  • Matej Babnik: Sonate pour le Piano-Forte avec accompagnement de Violon. Ed. by Tomaž Faganel, Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ, Supplementa 1, 2008;
  • Isaac Posch: Pet motetov / Five Motets. Ed. by Domen Marinčič, Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ, Supplementa 2, 2008;
  • Iacobus Handl - Gallus: Skladbe skladb za glasbila s tipkami / Compositions in Keyboard Intabulation. Ed. by Marko Motnik, Monumenta artis musicæ Sloveniæ, vol. 55, 2009;
  • Years IV and V of the journal De musica disserenda.