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International musicological conference, 2006

Functional and autonomous in music: patterns and meanings

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October 19, 2006 at 11:37
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

The Institute of Musicology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts organised on 19-20 October 2006 its traditional triennial international musicological conference entitled Functional and autonomous in music: patterns and meanings. The main purpose of the conference was to examine nineteenth-century music in Slovenia and its cultural context, as well as to relate it to European music as a whole. The distinctions between ‘functional’ (or utilitarian) and ‘autonomous’ music, and between amateur and professional music-making, made themselves increasingly felt during the period under discussion. By discussing the topic from a wide range of theoretical and historical perspectives (music history, music theory, sociology of music, psychology of music, ethnomusicology and other human and social sciences), it was possible to place Slovenian music culture of the nineteenth century into a broader, pan-European context.

The conference was accompanied by a concert From the musical life of Ljubljana in the second half of the 19th century. Performed were works by Slovenian composers from the second half of the 19th century (B. Ipavec, A. Foerster, D. Fajgelj, K. Hoffmeister, arrangements by M. Hubad).

Papers are published in two thematic numbers of the journal De musica disserenda II/2 (2006) and III/1 (2007).