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Giuseppe Arena: ACHILLE IN SCIRO

HARMONIA CONCERTANS: Early Music at the New Square, 6th Season 2016

Basic information

April 19, 2016 at 20:00
Atrij ZRC, Novi trg 2, LJubljana

First modern revival of key scenes from the baroque opera Achille in Sciro by Giuseppe Arena created in 1738 for the Teatro delle Dame in Rome. The performance will include arias of the protagonists Achilles and Deidamia originally conceived for two famous castrati. The music was brought from Rome by the enthusiastic Styrian nobleman Count Ignaz von Attems and some arias were found in the Castle of Slovenska Bistrica.

The roles of Achilles and Deidamia will be sung by the world-renowned singers Bernarda Bobro and Gwendolen Martin accompanied by the Slovenian foremost early music ensemble musica cubicularis. (only in Slovenian)


Additional performances:

  • Wednesday 20 April 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Great Hal of the Castle in Slovenska Bistrica, Grajska ulica 11, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica (entrance free)
    (30 minutes before the concert an exhibition on the Styrian Counts of Attems and Music in the Eighteenth Century will be opened and presented by its author Dr Metoda Kokole)
  • Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Great Hal of the Regional Museum at Brežice Castle, Grad Brežice, Cesta prvih borcev 1, 8250 Brežice (entrance free)
    (the concert will be followed by the opening of the exhibition IMAGO MUSICAE: Music on the Baroque Frescoes of the Brežice Castle)


The concert event was conceived and prepared within the European project HERA Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South.