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Srednjeveška glasba na Slovenskem in njene evropske vzporednice. Zbornik referatov z mednarodnega simpozija 19. in 20. junija 1997 v Ljubljani.
Medieval Music in Slovenia and its European Connections. Proceedings from the international symposium, Ljubljana, June 19th and 20th 1997.

Edited by: Jurij Snoj
Year: 1998

Proceedings of the international conference held in Ljubljanain 1997, and organized by the Institute of Musicology. Included are the articles of the following contributors: Marija Bergamo, Zdravko Blažeković, Hana Breko, Galliano Ciliberti, France Martin Dolinar, Stefan Engels, Rudolf Flotzinger, Nataša Golob, Janez Höfler, metoda Kokole, Primož Kuret, Katarina Livljanić, Jože Mlinarič, Edo Škulj, Jurij Snoj.

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collective volume
European music
international proceedings
medieval music
Slovenian music


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