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Author: Iacobus Gallus [Jacobus Gallus]
Year: 1995

From the very beginning, one of the most important and ambitious goals of the MAMS collection has been the publication of the collected works of Iacobus Handl-Gallus in a modern transcription tailored to the needs of contemporary performers. After the publication of Gallus’s motets (Opus musicum) in thirteen volumes (1985–1990), the Masses (Selectiores quaedam missae) in four volumes (1991), and 4-part Harmoniae morales, the publication of Gallus’s Moralia followed in a transcription by Edo Škulj in 1995. The original edition was edited posthumosly by the composer’s brother Georg Handl, containing 47 8-, 6-, and 5-part settings. It was published by the Nuremberg printer Alexander Theodoricus in 1596.

The 2024 digitized post-edition is accompanied by a new preface and an introductory study by Dr Marc Desmet that summarizes and compiles all recent findings about the composer and his work.


Table of content

Marc Desmet: Novi predgovor / New Foreword (2022)
Marc Desmet: Novi uvod / New Introduction (2022)
Danilo Pokorn: Uvod / Introduction
Edo Škulj: Revizijsko poročilo / Editorial Notes
Besedila skladb s prevodi / Texts of Compositions with Translations
Abecedno kazalo skladb / Compositions in Alphabetical Order
Faksimili / Facsimiles

I. Diversos diversa iuvant
II. Tempore felici multi numerantur amici
III. Usibus edocto si quicquam credis amico
IV. Cede repugnanti
V. Quid mihi, livor edax
VI. Nec Veneris, nec tu vini capiaris amore
VII. Sperne lucrum
VIII. Quid petitur sacris
IX. Adeste Musae, maximi proles Iovis
X. Quod latet, ignotum est
XI. Nescio quid sit amor
XII. Qui sermone placet
XIII. Cui bene succedit
XIV. Noli laudari
XV. Si vitare velis
XVI. Cui sunt multa bona
XVII. Carmina laudantur
XVIII. Omnia vincit amor
XIX. Odi et amo
XX. Gaudia principium
XXI. Turbe sequi casum
XXII. Qui capit uxorem
XXIII. Oderunt hilarem tristes
XXIV. Principibus placuisse viris
XXV. Qui cito dat, bis dat
XXVI. Qui cantum corvi cras imitatur
XXVII. Permultos liceat cuculus
XXVIII. Musica noster amor
XXIX. Musica Musarum germana
XXX. Multum delirio
XXXI. Inveni portum
XXXII. Diligitor nemo
XXXIII. Turpe referre pedem
XXXIV. Omnis homo nihil est
XXXV. Qui leviter credit
XXXVI. Tempore felici non cognoscuntur amici
XXXVII. Conscia mens recti
XXXVIII. Pauperiem modico contentus
XXXIX. Nobile vincendi genus
XL. Heu, quam difficile est
XLI. Semper pauper eris
XLII. Quam bene apud memores
XLIII. Dulces exuviae
XLIV. Cum moritur dives
XLV. Tu ne cede malis
XLVI. Usus amicorum bonus
XLVII. Plus laudatori

PRILOGA / APPENDIX: Celotna izdaja / The Complete Edition (1995)


16th century
Gallus, Jacobus
Renaissance music
Slovenian music
vocal music


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