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Francesco Pollini

Metodo per il pianoforte & Tre Sonate Op. 26 (1812)

Basic information

May 26, 2017 at 11:00
Small Hall, ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 4/II, Ljubljana
Organizer: AZIL Bookstore, ZRC Publishing, Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Slovenia

The Institute of Musicology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the AZIL Bookstore under the auspices of ZRC Publishing and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Slovenia are kindly inviting you to the joint presentation of two connected critical editions of publications by Francesco Pollini (Ljubljana 1762–Milano 1846).

Initially the editors will shortly introduce the composer Francesco Pollini with special regard to some newly discovered and corrected biographical details. Leonardo Miucci, pianist and musicologist active presently in Bern will then present his recent critical edition of Pollini’s piano method (Metodo per il pianoforte) written in 1812 for the music conservatory in Milan and published in 2016 by the Società Editrice di Musicologia. By coincidence the Slovenian musicologist Dr Radovan Škrjanc published in 2015 in volume 59 of the series Monuenta artis musicae Sloveniae (ZRC Publishing) Tre Sonate, Op. 26, originally published as a supplement to Pollini’s piano method. The modern critical edition will be presented by the Editor in Chief of the series Monumenta, Dr Metoda Kokole.

More on the presented books:
Metodo per il pianoforte
Tre Sonate Op. 26

The event is sponsored by the Slovenian Book Agency.